Rodger the Rover! (FL) / Dire Wolf / Radio Dummies

Event details

Rodger the Rover! (FL) / Dire Wolf / Radio Dummies
Wed, Sep 28 Show: 8:00 pm (Doors: 7:00 pm )
Wednesday, September 28th
Doors 7:00pm / Show 8:00pm
All Ages
+$2 at the door if under 21

Rodger the Rover!

Rodger the Rover! is a music project created by native Virginian Brendan James Dean in the summer of 2018. While the project has often been described as a blend of alternative rock and indie folk, we prefers to think of it as “homeward music”. Y’know, something that makes you think of home? Or maybe appreciate the new home you’ve found? It’s okay—we mean not to confuse you at RtR!. Just know that a Virginian founded a musical-not-singer-songwriter-but-also-not-quite-a-band-yet-thing in Western New York (not the city), released an album and a few other things while staying in Monterey, California, until finally settling the project in Richmond, VA where we hope it will finally stay home.

As far as origins go, we realize we’re as scattered as they come. And that’s okay. Our home has changed quite a bit since we started making music, and in ways our art has reflected that. The project’s debut album Letters, for instance, heavily embeds itself in the feelings of longing for that certain familiar comfort, only to embrace what good grace the world offers us in our present moments.

Needless to say, we at RtR! have a great deal to be grateful for, and we’re thankful that you’ve chosen to spend some time with us today and make our music a part of your life. We look forward to inviting you in again and again in the future, Virginia & elsewhere. Welcome, and we hope you enjoy.

Dire Wolf
Four-piece Indie Folk-Rock group from Cleveland, Ohio.

Radio Dummies
Cleveland lo-fi indie pop

Rodger the Rover!
Dire Wolf
Radio Dummies