Alternative Rock Archives - Grog Shop

Event details

Tue, Apr 8 Show: 6:00 pm (Doors: 6:00 pm)
STARSET.AE03 – the third series of intimate acoustic events put on by STARSET. This is a limited-attendance STARSET Acoustic Event (AE). Acoustic Event passes are available now for a limited-time-only price of $125 at This event includes an 8 song live acoustic performance by the band, a photo taken with the band against exclusive STARSET AE backdrop, each attendee receives an etched STARSET AE aluminum pint glass, each attendee receives commemorative STARSET.AE03 Laminate, each attendee receives commemorative STARSET.AE03 Poster signed by the band and each attendee has a chance to win prizes!

Last but not least, the band will be conducting an extended Post-Acoustic-Performance Meet and Greet at the venue for the rest the duration of the event. During this Extended Meet & Greet the band will sign STARSET AE items and personal items.

STARSET looks forward to an intimate event of acoustic songs and meeting and/or reuniting with its' most supportive of fans in the most exclusive event STARSET conducts. This event is ALL-AGES. The ONLY entry requirement for this event is purchasing this pass (no other general admission or venue-related-tickets are required). This Acoustic Event Starts at 6PM (you will be notified 2 days prior to the event via email & SMS with a specific arrival time to be checked in by a STARSET representative which will be earlier than the event start time).