The Bouncing Souls are something of a punk rock institution. The band have been consistently churningout their beloved brand of anthemic punk since 1989, and have earned an intensely loyal fanbase withtireless touring and anunrelenting love of making music. As the band approached the creation of theirtenth full length, they sought to make a record that captured the spirit of their earlier work, whileincorporating who they are today. That record is Simplicity and its 13 tracks of undeniably infectiouspunk rock prove that The Bouncing Souls have a lot more to say.
In making Simplicity, The Bouncing Souls set out to write songs that, first and foremost, would translate into the live environment. With over 20 years worth of anthems under their collective belt, it's achallenge to write a setlist that incorporates newer material, but Simplicity's many standouts are morethan up to the task. Next, the band enlisted the help of producer John Seymour, who manned the mixingboards for their fan favorite LPs How I Spent My Summer Vacation and Anchors Aweigh, to record the album with all of the raw energy of the live performance. The production of Simplicity perfectlyembodies the band's bite and power, the driving guitars, prominent bass, rock-solid drums, and soaringvocals all cutting through with no unneeded studio shine. From speedy hardcore-influenced ragers, to comparatively tender punk ballads, Simplicity's dynamics show every side of The Bouncing Souls.
On Simplicity, The Bouncing Souls do what so few long-running bands are able to accomplish: theyutilize all of the skills and lessons that come from over 20 years of making music, while still capturing thereckless spontaneity of their past work. That delicate balance can only be found if there's a sincerity inthe songs that comes from genuine love of playing music together, and The Bouncing Souls have that inspades.