Yo Pastel & Friends ft. Easton Evans

Event details

Yo Pastel & Friends ft. Easton Evans
Wed, Aug 21 Show: 8:00 pm (Doors: 7:00 pm )
Weds. August 21,2024
Doors 7:00 PM / Show 8:00 PM 
All Ages
$8 ADV / $10 DOS 
+3 at door if under 21 

Yo Pastel

The most emotionally inconsistent person I know

Easton Evans

If you are reading this you probably know my name already. For me, music at times was a way of coping, of just letting your mind run loose. I wouldn't lie and say I had it rough as a kid, and knowing how much music healed my mind at times, I know it must be life changing for any other kids like me. So after I listened music to cope, I began to make music myself. There was nothing better then the feeling of opening Spotify the day my first EP, Headed North came out, and just realizing that I could create all of it. So as I started moving forward in my career, I try my best to more and more help the listener to cope and heal. And maybe one day they might even end up like me, and just strive towards there passions, even if it gets dirty. If you read all of this I highly encourage you to just press the button, sign the form, whatever it may be, and just start. If you don't, what was any of this life worth. With that being said thank you and enjoy my music, Easton Evans's music

Yo Pastel
Easton Evans